Websites, articles, videos and reports that share perspectives on device use for kids and adults.

Wait until 8th

National pledge to wait on smartphones until 8th grade.

Internet Matters

Supports parents with resources and expert guidance to help them navigate the ever-changing world of child internet safety.

US Surgeon General

Full warning on safety of Social media safe for children and adolescents. Outlines immediate steps we can take to mitigate the risk of harm

Screen Free

Promotes "Screen Free Week" in May and other options for getting away from screens

"Flip Phone February"

Join the movement to switch to a flip phone

Today Show

interviews with Teens about social media


Committed to helping children thrive in an increasingly commercialized, screen-obsessed culture

Common Sense Media

Reviews media and technology, and provides ratings of suitability for different age ranges

Dumbphone Finder

One stop comparison shop, mostly for flip phones

Center for Humane Technology

Leading a shift toward technology that strengthens our well-being, global democratic functioning, and shared information environment.

Social Awakening

Provides a unique perspective on the role of technology in our homes, schools, and in our society.


Movies, newsletters and blogs aimed to support parents of teenagers manage all things digital

Simple Phone Options

Store for simple price comparisons

How to turn your iPhone into a dumb phone

Suggestions for making your iPhone less distracting.