Our Mission

New Canaan Unplugged seeks to create both a community and a resource for parents in New Canaan to help navigate the social media and smartphone landscape. Our hope is that we can be a place for conversation and a community for like-minded parents who may want to take what is currently considered a counter-cultural approach.

Together, we can encourage thoughtful boundaries around technology within our New Canaan community such that our kids will engage with each other in a way that fosters positive close relationships for years to come. Together, we can reduce the barriers to removing computers from our children’s pockets and faces so that they can develop into their own unique and thriving selves.

Why Unplug?

In 2023, the US Surgeon General released a report titled Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation1 which stressed the importance of relationships and engagement with others as a key pillar to our health. Social media was prominently featured in the 82 page report, citing a variety of studies that point to its negative effects on mental health.

The Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest research studies to date, has found that the greatest predictor of good health at an old age is high quality relationships and being socially connected2. Another study linked high social media use (greater than 2 hours daily) with a near doubling of the risk of perceived social isolation3.

Finally, a McKinsey report on social media and Gen Z4 highlights that although there are some positive outcomes to engaging with social media, a couple of things stand out about our youngest generation:

  • 27% of respondents think social media has a negative impact on their mental health (compared to 32% think it has a positive impact, the rest are neutral)
  • For those who spend greater than two hours on social media – 31% think it has a negative impact on their mental health (compared to 24% who spend less than two hours)

The data above suggest that as many as 1/3 of our children will be negatively impacted by social media. Unfortunately, we have no way to identify which of our children is at risk.

Who We Are

This is about our kids but if you want to know about us, we are a group of parents who care about our own kids but also deeply care about all the kids in our town. We are a parent-run group completely independent from the Town of New Canaan and the New Canaan Public School System.

Raquel Harrison, MD
Alexis Tsoutsoplides
Julie Toal
Stephanie Solomon
Erica Schwedel
Alex Sullivan
Chris Kurdziel

Interested in getting involved? Send us an email with some thoughts on how you think you can help!